Current Pool Attendance: REHM Pool % | Ridgeland Pool 0%

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Featured News

Our Mission

In partnership with the community, we enrich lives by providing meaningful experiences through programs, parks, and facilities.

"Dedicated, Driven, Constant Learner"
The Park District's very own Superintendent of Parks & Planning has been making waves in the world of sustainability and green innovation! In light of the upcoming 150th celebration of Arbor Day, Chris shares his history, passions, and plans for the future.

"I have a background of project implementation and management; because of that, I am able to take an idea and make it a reality." Chris explains the realities and barriers in the way of constructing new endeavors that make our community more sustainable and eco-friendly, yet he has faith in both himself and the Park District. "We have the support here to get these projects done. It's a great way to have an impact on the community and to see sustainability in action."

Chris has been celebrated in numerous mediums, including the Wednesday Journal, the Chicago Tribune, and has a soon-to-air ABC News special scheduled for Earth Day.

Chris finds it important that from the Park District and his own career, that people take the following lesson with them into their lives: "I want people to know not to be afraid to do something they haven't done before. There will be barriers to cross, but know that you can work through them when they do arrive. Don't let that stuff slow you down. Otherwise you sit still: safe, but not much accomplished!"

Keep your eyes peeled for what Chris and the Park District of Oak Park has in store next!

Chris Lindgren

Sustainability Leader: Chris Lindgren

Abby Sacks, a recent New York University graduate and an Oak Park local, is helping you have a pool-ready summer this season! Abby fell in love with swimming at the Park District pools early in life. She attended OPRF and when she wasn't at the pool, she marched in band or costumed for plays.

"My first job was as a lifeguard when I was 16; I worked at the pool every summer all the way through college at various positions and started working in the rink during my winter breaks as well."

Abby likes working at the Park District because of the people, and she likes seeing the result of all her efforts increasing joy in the community.

"All of the people at RCRC are passionate about providing great experiences to the people who visit us, and that enthusiasm is infectious."

What would Abby think the community may find interesting?

"I’m not sure people grasp how much maintenance goes in to opening the pool and rink. I really started to learn about that side of things when I learned to drive the Zamboni. We service the ice every few hours at the rink and that’s just the tip of the iceberg as far as the actual mechanics involved with keeping it frozen."

"The same thing with the pool, I started learning more about that when I would do water chemical readings. It is a bit of an “ah-ha” moment when you start to think about all of the things that have to work correctly for our facilities to function. I’m amazed by the maintenance staff and how wonderful a job they do."

If you see Abby at the pool this summer, make sure to say hello!

See Our Rink & Aquatics Supervisor Make a Splash: Abby Sacks

Current Occupancy: REHM Pool % | RCRC Pool %

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